I have the honor and pleasure to announce that I have been elected Senior Co-Chair of the Philosophy of Science Association D.E.I. Caucus.
New Paper on Public Trust and Democratic Values
Where I challenge the ideas that appealing to democratic values necessarily helps with restoring public trust in value-laden science.
New paper out
My paper on Kate Elgin’s account of scientific understating is out. Main claim: Elgin is a veritist despite her claims to the contrary. Enjoy!
PSA Governing board
Another academic year and some news. I have been elected to the Philosophy of Science Association Governing Board. I am most interested in promoting diversity and public outreach in our profession.
I am glad to announce that I have been promoted to Full Professor. Thanks to so many who helped reach that goal!
Foundations of Physics
I am happy to announce that I will be on the Programme Committee for the 19th UK and European Meeting on the Foundations of Physics.
PSA Media Committee
I have accepted to chair the brand new Media committee for the Philosophy of Science Association. All social media will be unleashed!
2019 Central APA
I am happy to announce that I am on the 2019 Central APA program committee. The meeting will be in beautiful Denver, and, needless to say, will be fantastic!
I am very happy to be a monthly guest on “KGVO Talk Back”. I have discussed a large variety of issues on there, including veganism, sex work, free speech, originalism, racism, the death penalty, euthanasia, and the value of the environment. My goal is to model an example of civil, reasoned, and engaging conversations about some of the most controversial issues of our times. I am immensely grateful to Jon King and Peter Christian for welcoming a philosopher on their show, and giving me a chance to “reach across the isle”.
Old Website still there.
The new website is on its way…
meanwhile, the old website is here